When you want to implement NumberSequences in a Ax form (new numbersequence when you create a record etc.) you can just implement the ‘numberSeqFormHandler’.
- Define a object of the type ‘NumberSeqFormHandler‘ in the ClassDeclaration of the form
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public class FormRun extends ObjectRun { NumberSeqFormHandler numberSeqFormHandler; }
- Create a new method on your form that create a new instance of the ‘numberSeqFormHandler’ object or creates a new object when it isn’t instanciated.
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NumberSeqFormHandler numberSeqFormHandler() { ; if (!numberSeqFormHandler) numberSeqFormHandler = NumberSeqFormHandler::newForm(TestParameters::numRefTEST().NumberSequence, element, TestTable_DS, fieldnum(TestTable,TEST) ); return numberSeqFormHandler; }
- Complete some of the existing methods with the correct method of the ‘numberSeqFormHandler‘ object:
- Table : Create() –> The user creates a new record in the data source.
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public void create(boolean _append = false) { ; element.numberSeqFormHandler().formMethodDataSourceCreatePre(); super(_append); element.numberSeqFormHandler().formMethodDataSourceCreate(); }
- Table : Delete() –> The user deletes a record in the data source.
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public void delete() { ; element.numberSeqFormHandler().formMethodDataSourceDelete(); super(); }
- Table : Write() –> The user inserts a new record or updates an existing one.
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public void write() { ; ttsbegin; super(); element.numberSeqFormHandler().formMethodDataSourceWrite(); ttscommit; }
- Table : validatWrite() –> new or updated record is to be written.
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public boolean validateWrite() { boolean ret; ; ret = super(); ret = element.numberSeqFormHandler().formMethodDataSourceValidateWrite(ret) && ret; return ret; }
- Table : linkActive() à The user selects a new record in a form that has a data source linked to another data source.
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public void linkActive() { ; element.numberSeqFormHandler().formMethodDataSourceLinkActive(); super(); }
- Close() –> The form is closed.
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public void close() { ; if (numberSeqFormHandler) numberSeqFormHandler.formMethodClose(); super(); }
- Table : Create() –> The user creates a new record in the data source.