When you select/edit records in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (right click on a table), by default you can only edit the top 200 / select the top 1000 rows. You can easily change this parameter by going to Tools -> Options -> SQL Server Object Explorer and modifying the value of the appropriate property … Continue Reading
Index vs Index hint
This is a discussion I had with several colleagues. What is the difference between index and index hint and what do we use in our code?
SQL Server Activity Monitor
I know there are much more fancy tools you can buy on the market than the standaard build-in Activity Monitor from SQL Server, but is a usefull tool that can help you monitor your Server. You can find it when you right-click on the server instance and then click on Activity Monitor. The 2 grids … Continue Reading
Where are breakpoints stored in Ax 2009
In Ax 2009 breakpoints are stored in 2 tables, the SysBreakpointList and the SysBreakpoints table. You can find those tables in the SQL Management Studio or in the AOT under System Documentation -> Tables. This is useful to know when you get ‘ghost-breakpoints’. My debugger started showing me older breakpoints from classes that were running … Continue Reading
Testing code on client/server
When you quickly want to test some code I often write some test-code in a small job. When you execute the code in this job, it will be executed on client-side. A colleague of mine asked me if he could test the same job while running on server-side. Wen you quickly want to test the … Continue Reading
Belgian Dynamics Community – Connection Day May September 30, 2010
Yesterday I subscribed to the Belgian Dynamics Community connectionday in september 30, 2010. I’ll attend the Ax-track (obvious) with some of my colleagues / friends. The Agenda for the Ax-track: 18:30 – 19:15 General keynote track – The ins and outs of process optimization with SureStep 2010. Vincent Bellefroid, Plataan Most of us may have … Continue Reading
Loop all tables
There is a simple trick to loop all tables that are available in Ax. Just use the Dictionary-class that contains all information about tables. Small example to list all tablenames + their corresponding Id. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 static void JeDoe_listTables(Args _args) { Dictionary dictionary = new Dictionary(); int … Continue Reading
Enterpris Portal – Tips & Tricks (part1)
Ilearned something new from my colleague Koen Van Hauwenhuyse. He showed me 2 extra querystring parameters you can add tot the portal URL so the content will be shown different. The normal Url of the page: http://***/TSTReplacement.aspx?WCMP=TST The Url for the rolecenter-view of the same page: http://***/TSTReplacement.aspx?WCMP=TST&RUNONCLIENT=1 The Url for the same page without any … Continue Reading
Microsoft Dynamics Ax – Technical conference 2011 (Redmond)
Microsoft is launching the next version of Ax next year. There will be a conference where partners can have a early look on the application. The conference is held on the Redmond campus from January 17 through January 20, 2011. You can find more information regarding this conference on http://www.microsoft.com/dynamics/DynamicsAXtechnicalconference2011.
How to make methods on fields disappear (aka a bug)
Me and some of my colleagues are currently working with a customer on a Ax 2009 SP1 RU4. The other day we came to the conclusion that the modified methods on fields in a form suddenly disappeared. I know, you should write as less as possible code on a form, but sometimes there is no way … Continue Reading