Yesterday evening I installed the Windows 8 Customer Preview on my work laptop (EliteBook 8740w i7-620M, 8GB Ram and 2x 500GB HDD). With a small hart I went to work and hoped that everything would work fine. Her is wat I found. At first I plugged in the network cable and I Couldn’t get connection. The only way I … Continue Reading
Microsoft Windows 8 – Customer Preview
Microsoft Released the Customer Preview today, I just started downloading it with My TechNet-subscription and I’ll keep you up-to-date about my impressions 🙂
Ax2009 Event Processing Error
I have a customer that gets a error every time the EventJobCUD-batch (Change Based Events) runs. They got the following error: After some reseach I found out that when 2 fields are changed at the same time, you go several times through the listChangedFieldsEnumerator (location ClassesEventProcessorCUDprocessUpdate) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … Continue Reading
Install Ax2012 on SQL Server 2012 RC0
During the preparations for Microsoft TechDays 2012 my colleague and I installed a fresh Windows Server 2008 R2 with SQL Server 2012 and Ax 2012. At first all seems to work (the AOS started and we could login with the client), but when we started to prepare and opened the ‘Datasource Name’ lookup on the ‘Document Datasources’ we got … Continue Reading
TechDays 2012 – Extending the reach of your Microsoft Dynamics AX Application with the next-gen tools
On February th 14th this year I am giving my first presentation on TechDays 🙂 You can view some details about my presentation on
Social Media for Microsoft Dynamics Partners
I was looking for some new Ax books and came accross a book titled ‘Social Media for Microsoft Dynamics Partners’ on Authors: Jon Rivers, Mark Polino Description: Social Media for Microsoft Dynamics Partners is a short, introductory book geared toward the specific business needs of Dynamics VAR’s and ISV’s. There are plenty of generic … Continue Reading
Ax 2012 Editor improvements
In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, a new X++ Editor is introduced which replaces the current legacy editor. The new X++ Editor is based on hosting a Visual Studio 2010 Editor Framework control. Here are a few Tips & Tricks: Type ‘main’ + TAB: The editor generates a standard Main-method. Note: This trick works with all … Continue Reading
Change the language at runtime
Normally when you change your language you go to your user options, change your current language and the restart the client. This week I got the question if it was possible to do so in runtime. You can do so by just calling the infolog.language(str 7 _languageCode). All labels that you load after calling this … Continue Reading
Amount in words
This week one of my customers asked me to place the amount in words on a invoice. I couldn’t believe that sush function wasn’t availible in standard Ax. After some research I found that the Global-class contains the following methods: static TempStr numeralsToTxt(real _num) static TempStr numeralsToTxt_EN(real _num) static TempStr numeralsToTxt_ES(real _num) static TempStr numeralsToTxt_FR(real … Continue Reading
How to run a Microsoft Ax 2012 Hyper-V on VirtualBox (Enterpris Portal Problem)
In my previous post I described how to run the standard Microsoft Ax 2012 Hyper-V VPC on your regular Windows Client with VirtualBox. There was one thing I forgot to mention, when you want to use the Enterprise Portal (and you probably will) you need to adjust the windows hosts-file on the VPC. How: Just … Continue Reading