When you want to catch a key-stroke on a form, you can override the method task() The default method will look like this: public int task(int _taskId) { int ret; ret = super(_taskId); // write you’re code here return ret; }public int task(int _taskId) { int ret; ret = super(_taskId); // write you’re code here … Continue Reading
Counting the number of records in a QueryRun
When you want to count the number of records that are currently displayed on a form, and you have only one data source, just call the static method countTotal() from the SysQuery-class. public void executeQuery() { ; super(); info(int2str(SysQuery::countTotal(EmplTable_ds.queryRun()))); }public void executeQuery() { ; super(); info(int2str(SysQuery::countTotal(EmplTable_ds.queryRun()))); } But when you want to do the same … Continue Reading
strrep vs. strreplace
In Ax the name of Methods are sometimes (by my opinion) not so clear chosen. For example, when I try to replace a string in ax by typing strrep(..) instead of strreplace(..). strrep –> repeat a certain string for X times. strreplace –> replace a certain string. So please chose clear names for your methods…
About classes
In this post I will talk about classes and what you can do with them. Abstract class When you create a abstract class, you want to ensure that this class can not be instantiated. You wil have to create a sub-class that wil actually use the functionality. Example: abstract class MyClass { }abstract class MyClass … Continue Reading
List of mandatory fields on a table
When you want a list of all the mandatory field on table X, yould check all the properties on the table fields, or you could be lazy and write a small job that does the trick for you. Just replace TableId with your tablenum. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 … Continue Reading
Working with numbersequences – On forms
When you want to implement NumberSequences in a Ax form (new numbersequence when you create a record etc.) you can just implement the ‘numberSeqFormHandler’. Step-by-step:
Working with numbersequences – New Module
In a previous post I explained how to create a new Number Sequence in a existing module (Working with numbersequences – new NumberSequence). In this post I will explain how you can create a new Number Sequence-module. I will create a new module called TEST (lack of inspiration). Step-By-Step:
Placement of code
When you are programming, you have to think about where placing you’re code. Always try to place you’re code nearest to the source so it can be manipulated easily. For instance code that manipulates tables should be placed in that tables methods. Best Practice: Try to minimize the x++ code in forms for the following … Continue Reading
Moving DB-objects to other layers … without losing data
Most of us have already been confronted with the problem of tables being inserted in the wrong layer, and when they already contain data it is very difficult to transfer these objects to the correct layer without losing data. I found the following article on Axaptapedia that helps you with this issue: http://www.axaptapedia.com/Move_DB_objects_to_another_layer
Ax2009 different development licenses
When you want to modify objects in Ax, you have to buy a development license. They are divided in four. Base Package This license gives you access for creating/modifying reports/jobs/queries MorphX This license gives you access tot the Data Dictionary node where tables/Fields/enums/Extended Data Types are maintained. The ability to create forms requires the MorphX … Continue Reading